Oct 21, 2024

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

We've all been there: collecting mountains of session replay data, only to have it sit unused, gathering digital dust. The reality is, there's only so much time in the day, and manually reviewing thousands of sessions just isn't feasible. So what happens? We end up using this valuable data reactively, scrambling to investigate when a customer reports an issue. Or, if we're lucky, we might do a bit of proactive work, but let's face it – we're still missing insights from thousands of unreviewed sessions.

Watching user behavior through traditional session replay analysis is an exhausting, labor-intensive process. We need a better way to understand user behavior—one that doesn't require us to manually sift through countless sessions like treasure hunters in an overflowing storage closet, struggling to find what we need.

AI 10x’s the Value of Session Replays

Here's the good news: AI is completely changing how you interact with and get value from session replays. 

Imagine a tool that doesn't just replay sessions but proactively tells you exactly where users struggled: which users, where in the product, and what type of struggle. These AI-driven solutions can automatically discover issues, surface insights, and give you a new way to query your data to find answers to your questions.

No more manually combing through sessions to find drop-offs. No more guessing where the bug originated. No more pre-work to define metrics and label CSS. Instead, AI surfaces the insights you need, with context and recommendations ready for action.

Two Paths Forward: Maintain or Evolve

As we stand at this crossroads, you have two options:

  1. Stick With Existing Tools: Many current session replay tools are incorporating AI features. This approach allows you to stick with your current product while gaining some AI-powered insights. These tools include FullStory, Hotjar, and Posthog.

  2. Embrace AI-Native Solutions: Alternatively, you can switch to platforms built from the ground up with AI at their core. These tools offer a more comprehensive, AI-driven approach to session analysis and are designed for AI agents to watch replays instead of you.

Decipher AI: A New Paradigm in Action

Let's look at how an AI-native solution like Decipher AI works in practice:

Imagine you've just launched a new feature on your SaaS product – a new search experience. Instead of waiting for user complaints or manually reviewing sessions, Decipher AI gets to work immediately:

  1. Automatic Analysis: It reviews all sessions involving the new feature, identifying patterns and anomalies.

  2. Issue Discovery: The AI flags a recurring problem where users abandon the site after searching.

  3. Context Provision: Decipher AI doesn't just highlight the issue; it provides rich technical context, such as relevant error logs and stack traces.

  4. Actionable Insights: Based on its analysis, the AI suggests potential root causes, like a server-side error happening for users in the EU.

  5. Simple Queries: You can ask questions like, "Show me sessions where users struggled with the new search launched last week," and get instant, relevant replays to watch. You can even get the emails for those customers and send them a note.

This approach transforms how we use session replay data. Instead of reactive firefighting or limited proactive work, you're now equipped with a powerful AI assistant that constantly monitors, analyzes, and provides insights across all your sessions.

From Analysis to Insight Discovery

This shift means moving from session replay analysis to insight discovery. You get to focus on strategy while AI does the heavy lifting. Businesses that embrace this change won't just save time—they'll find opportunities buried in the data that others miss.

The shift to AI-powered session replay insights doesn't just save time—it empowers your team to be proactive, not reactive. You can now address problems before they escalate, make informed decisions faster, and keep users happy by constantly improving their experience.

Ready to Make the Leap?

The question is: will we keep drowning in unwatched session replays, or move toward a future where AI brings the most critical insights directly to us?

If you're curious about how AI-native solutions like Decipher AI can transform your session replay data into actionable insights, feel free to reach out at michael (at) getdecipher.com or book some time here.

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